Hey Newgrounds followers!
In case you missed it, I just started posting the Far Travelers Pages I've made. Right now, Chapter 1 of this fantasy adventure is already done, and you can read it RIGHT HERE at Chromaverse.net !
The Far Travelers is a fantasy action adventure comic about a party of heroes delving into the deep crypt of a necromancer, a hidden city beneath an ancient temple! But Chromaverse will be even more than that! Once Far Travelers' first arc is done, I'll be starting on other stories.
The Chromaverse as a whole is a fantasy world filled with stories I can't wait to tell! Witches and Wizards, Monsters and Mysteries, not to mention the epic heroes and incredibly action that I hope to invoke in my writing and drawing. This is a passion project first and foremost, and something I hope to work on in perpetuity. To do that, I need YOU to give it a read!
While you're there, you can also hop into the discord in preparation for Chapter 2, which is currently being worked on!
Once I've gotten through all the pages of Chapter 1, I'll start uploading chapter 2, first there, then everywhere else! There's also a Patreon for early updates to the comics and a few other goodies.
This is my main project, something I've been working towards for ages, and I really hope you enjoy it!
Just read it. It's really coming together!
You should join the discord for extra goodies! There's some previews up there that are nowhere else.